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Message to PFLAG Albuquerque

PFLAG Albuquerque - LGBTQ organization in Albuquerque NM

PFLAG Albuquerque

(505) 873-7373
(505) 873-7373


Non Profit

About PFLAG Albuquerque

Albuquerque PFLAG promotes the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons, their families and friends through:
- support, to cope with an adverse society
- education, to enlighten an ill-informed public, and
- advocacy, to end discrimination and to secure equal civil rights.

PFLAG provides the opportunity for dialogue about sexual orientation and gender identity and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity.

PFLAG Albuquerque works to promote understanding of the LGBT community and to provide resources for LGBT persons and their relatives. We support those who are coming out and their relatives, we advocate for progress on LGBT social issues, and we educate to enlighten an ill-informed public. PFLAG is not affiliated with any ethnic, religious, economic, or political organization.

PFLAG Albuquerque is a home for GLBT persons, their families, friends, and allies, where support, education, advocacy, and friendship is available. By supporting PFLAG Albuquerque, you will help maintain a strong positive presence in the greater Albuquerque area, and also support PFLAG, Inc., our national organization, which assists some 500 PFLAG locations and maintains a crucial national presence.


Primary Office Location

pin 136 Washington St SE Ste. E Albuquerque NM 87108

pin (505) 873-7373


Social Media

Facebook page for PFLAG Albuquerque - LGBTQ organization in Albuquerque
Message PFLAG Albuquerque
(505) 873-7373