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Message to PFLAG Birmingham

PFLAG Birmingham - LGBTQ organization in Birmingham AL

PFLAG Birmingham

(205) 616-6526
(205) 616-6526


Non Profit

About PFLAG Birmingham

PFLAG Birmingham, founded in 1994, is a non-profit chapter of the national PFLAG organization. Through our monthly peer-to-peer support group meetings we provide families in crisis with the accurate information and support they need to dispel myths and stereotypes about sexual orientation and gender identity. By encouraging dialogue in a confidential, non-judgmental environment we strive to promote the health and well-being of LGBTQ persons, their families, and their friends. PFLAG Birmingham also works to educate our local communities about issues such as school bullying, acceptance within communities of faith, and workplace non-discrimination. In doing so, we advocate for full equality by encouraging our lawmakers to support equal civil rights for all people.


Primary Office Location

pin 4300 Hampton Heights Dr Birmingham AL 35209

pin (205) 616-6526


Social Media

Twitter page for PFLAG Birmingham - LGBTQ organization in Birmingham Facebook page for PFLAG Birmingham - LGBTQ organization in Birmingham
Message PFLAG Birmingham
(205) 616-6526