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Message to PFLAG Florence

PFLAG Florence - LGBTQ organization in Florence OR

PFLAG Florence

(541) 991-8550
(541) 991-8550


Non Profit

About PFLAG Florence

We are families helping families. We are friends supporting friends. We are the allies of those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT). We are LGBT individuals seeking to support others who are LGBT.

The mission of our PFLAG chapter is:

~ to offer support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals, their families, friends, and allies to cope with an adverse society

~ to provide education to enlighten an ill-informed public

~ and to advocate to end discrimination and secure equal civil rights.

PFLAG was founded as a national organization in the early 1970s as the result of one mom’s desire to provide support for her son. Today the greatest desire of PFLAG Florence Oregon is to help create a community where those who are LGBT will feel safe and affirmed, and where no one will be at risk of suicide simply for being who they are.


Primary Office Location

pin PO Box 1074 Florence OR 97439

pin (541) 991-8550

Social Media

Facebook page for PFLAG Florence - LGBTQ organization in Florence
Message PFLAG Florence
(541) 991-8550