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Message to PFLAG Greensboro

PFLAG Greensboro - LGBTQ organization in Greensboro NC

PFLAG Greensboro

(984) 329-2203
(984) 329-2203


Non Profit

About PFLAG Greensboro

PFLAG is the largest family and ally support organization in America. PFLAG is a nationwide network of local grassroots groups providing support, education and advocacy for LGBTQ individuals, their families, and allies. PFLAG of Greensboro was founded in 1993 and is the local chapter of PFLAG National.

We hold monthly support group meetings as well as individual consultations for those looking for individual help or support. We provide much of that support through, educational outreach programs to other organizations, advocates in the Triad, and our state and federal legislatures.

Our mission is by meeting people where they are and collaborating with others, PFLAG realizes its mission through:

- Support for all LGBTQ+ individuals, their families and allies
- Education for ourselves and others about the unique issues and challenges facing people who are LGBTQ+
- Advocacy in our communities to change attitudes and create policies and laws that achieve full equality for LGBTQ+ individuals and their families

PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.


Primary Office Location

pin PO Box 4153 Greensboro NC 27404

pin (984) 329-2203

Social Media

Facebook page for PFLAG Greensboro - LGBTQ organization in Greensboro
Message PFLAG Greensboro
(984) 329-2203