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Message to PFLAG Manitowoc County

PFLAG Manitowoc County - LGBTQ organization in Manitowoc WI

PFLAG Manitowoc County

(920) 374-3524
(920) 374-3524


Non Profit

About PFLAG Manitowoc County

In 2008, three LGBTQIA+ parents started PFLAG of Manitowoc County with help from Chapters in Door County and Sturgeon Bay, WI.

These parents understood the reality of living in a world where acceptance could be wanting and safety could be precarious. They set out with the goal to create a safe space to provide support, education, and advocacy.

With that goal in mind, parents, grandparents, family, friends, allies and LGBTQIA+ persons use their experiences to help those seeking support at our monthly meetings.

As our chapter has matured, we've become an advocate for inclusion and diversity, becoming a resource for schools, businesses and municipalities seeking to better understand the LGBTQIA+ community and its needs.

PFLAG focuses on building a foundation of loving families united with LGBTQIA+ people and allies who support one another, and to educate ourselves and our communities, to speak up as advocates until all hearts and minds respect, value, and affirm LGBTQIA+ people.

PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed, inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.


Primary Office Location

pin 434 N 8th St Manitowoc WI 54220

pin (920) 374-3524

Social Media

Facebook page for PFLAG Manitowoc County - LGBTQ organization in Manitowoc
Message PFLAG Manitowoc County
(920) 374-3524