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Message to PFLAG Oregon Central Coast

PFLAG Oregon Central Coast - LGBTQ organization in Newport OR

PFLAG Oregon Central Coast

(541) 819-0454
(541) 819-0454


Non Profit

About PFLAG Oregon Central Coast

The mission of our PFLAG chapter is to offer support to cope with an adverse society, education to enlighten an ill-informed public, and advocacy to end discrimination and secure equal civil rights.

We are in the process of updating our mission statement. We value the input of our community, and if you would like to drop us a suggestion, we would love to hear from you!

OCC PFLAG was started in 2008 following the suicide of a Newport High School student who had been harassed and bullied at school and had no support at home or in the community. A group of LGBT professionals in Lincoln County decided to make our county safer for gay teens. The first step was to establish a PFLAG chapter for support, education and advocacy. Supporting teens continues as a top priority for OCC PFLAG.

We are families helping families. We are the parents, family members, and friends from all walks of life, united in love and concern for our children and friends. Our main goal is to provide a safe and comfortable environment where we can share our experiences and learn how to support our loved ones in meaningful ways. Everyone is welcome and many LGBT people come to our meetings for support. We believe in and work toward full human and civil rights for people of all sexual orientations. Relationships are precious. PFLAG encourages families and friends to stay close to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in their lives.

We provide love and support for all PFLAG members, family and friends. We work to create an environment of understanding so our gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender loved ones can live safely with dignity and respect.


Primary Office Location

pin PO Box 2172 Newport OR 97365

pin (541) 819-0454


Social Media

Facebook page for PFLAG Oregon Central Coast - LGBTQ organization in Newport
Message PFLAG Oregon Central Coast
(541) 819-0454