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Message to PFLAG Princeton

PFLAG Princeton - LGBTQ organization in Princeton NJ

PFLAG Princeton

(609) 791-9740
(609) 791-9740


Non Profit

About PFLAG Princeton

The PFLAG Princeton chapter was formed in 1999.

The PFLAG Princeton chapter is focused on supporting family members and friends of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) people. We hold monthly meetings where attendees have the opportunity to share their experiences, feelings, and challenges in a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental environment. Some participants are looking to get better educated, some are working to come to terms with their loved one’s sexuality, and some have an LGBTQ+ friend or family member and want to be better able to support, understand, or relate to this aspect of their loved one’s life.

Those whose loved ones have been out for years and are living healthily and happily as proud LGBTQ+ people come to our meetings. They sit next to and share with people whose loved ones came out maybe just the week before, and may feel lost, confused, and not sure where to go or what to do next. PFLAG can be a treasure trove of resources for those who need a little guidance, or just want to share.

PFLAG – the nation’s largest family-based group of its kind – began in 1972, when a courageous mother marched with her gay son in New York City’s gay pride parade. Her single voice – calling on society to treat all of its citizens equally and with dignity – sparked a national movement. Since then, tens of thousands of ordinary Americans have joined forces as PFLAG. Known originally as “Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays” it now is known just as PFLAG (“p-flag”) and is focused on all aspects of LGBTQ+ support and rights. PFLAG has nearly 400 chapters in the United States and over 200,000 members.


Primary Office Location

pin 219 Varsity Avenue Princeton NJ 08540

pin (609) 791-9740

Social Media

Facebook page for PFLAG Princeton - LGBTQ organization in Princeton Twitter page for PFLAG Princeton - LGBTQ organization in Princeton
Message PFLAG Princeton
(609) 791-9740