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Message to PFLAG Tacoma

PFLAG Tacoma - LGBTQ organization in Tacoma WA

PFLAG Tacoma

(253) 234-9790
(253) 234-9790


Non Profit

About PFLAG Tacoma

We support the families of LGBTQ and gender non-conforming people, their allies and their community.

PFLAG is a volunteer organization with locations throughout the USA and other parts of the world. We promote the health and well-being of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning persons, their families and friends.
Please note that our primary goal is to provide education and emotional support. Due to limited resources, we are cannot provide financial support to individuals.

We’re just regular people, perhaps like you, that have struggled with the emotional, societal and political issues surrounding homosexuality. The Tacoma PFLAG chapter began in 1981 as a small group of parents and friends meeting in a local church. Their commitment to justice for all led to affiliation with PFLAG National in 1996. PFLAG is a non profit organization not affiliated with any religious organization, although chapters frequently meet at churches

With lifetimes of misinformation about homosexuality and gender identity, many people don’t know where to turn when they find out a family member or friend is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered (LGBT). PFLAG provides direct support to people who need answers to their questions and help with strengthening family relationships.

Support groups meet each month and offer a non-judgmental outlet for feelings and a place to meet other people in similar situations. Meetings offer opportunities to learn about LGBT people and their families – through speakers, videos, and discussions. Those who come for help often become those who help others.

PFLAG is making a safer world for LGBT and gender non-conforming people and their family members by dispelling myths and by communicating the truth about LGBT families and friends. PFLAG reaches out to schools, faith communities, and other organizations to encourage leadership that fosters community acceptance of diversity.


Primary Office Location

pin 3800A Bridgeport Way West #124 Tacoma WA 98466

pin (253) 234-9790


Social Media

Facebook page for PFLAG Tacoma - LGBTQ organization in Tacoma
Message PFLAG Tacoma
(253) 234-9790