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Message to PFLAG Triangle

PFLAG Triangle - LGBTQ organization in Durham NC

PFLAG Triangle

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Non Profit

About PFLAG Triangle

Founded in 1972 with the simple act of a mother publicly supporting her gay son, PFLAG is the original ally organization. Made up of parents, families, friends, and straight allies uniting with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people, PFLAG is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education and advocacy.

Made up of parents, families, friends and straight allies united with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people, PFLAG is committed to advancing equality through its mission of support, education and advocacy.

The mission of PFLAG Triangle is to:

SUPPORT Families, Allies and LGBTQ people - by working to keep families in loving relationships and by helping individuals and families understand and affirm themselves and their loved ones. Read more...

EDUCATE Ourselves and others - about unique issues, strengths and challenges for LGBTQ people by working with educators, community and religious groups, the media and the general public. Read more...

ADVOCATE for Equality - in our community to create policies and laws achieving full rights and equal treatment for LGBTQ individuals and families.

PFLAG Triangle advocates for the rights and acceptance of LGBTQ individuals by having a presence at public and community events.


Primary Office Location

pin PO Box 51776 Durham NC 27717

Social Media

Facebook page for PFLAG Triangle - LGBTQ organization in Durham
Message PFLAG Triangle